donderdag 5 april 2012

Undercut or not?

Okay, I’m at a loss, seriously. Last year I decided to get myself an undercut and I’ve been walking around like this for a few months. When school started, I noticed that EVERYONE had this hairstyle so I didn’t like it anymore. I don’t like to have things which everyone has, you know? (not that having an undercut is still original, hahah) But since a few days I’m constantly thinking of shaving my hair again, just like it was some months ago... My hair is long, so I can still hide it if I want to. To be honest I don’t even know why I’m writing all of this on this blog, cus I don’t think it’s very important to talk about, but like I mentioned before: I’M AT A LOSS. Help me L should I, or should I not shave it back? Summer is coming up and I just need a bit of a change again, I guess. Maybe I should stop thinking about it so often and just take the machine and buzz it all off without a second thought, hahah. That’s how I did it the first time ;p Or well… My mum did. I was doubting like a fool, second guessing everything and she got tired of it and took the scissors and just cut my long hair on the side and then she said : “Now you don’t have to doubt anymore.”
I swear, I was completely shocked. But yeah, my mum is the best anyway.

In Russiaaa, SPb with Ankatrinnn&Pandaaa ♥♥♥

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