donderdag 5 april 2012

Give me a second to 'fangirl'.

I slept in today, and I don’t mean just a bit, but a lot. I know, my English is far from great but I try as good as I can and I guess most of it is pretty understandable, nee?;p Anyways, I woke up at 11:30 (such a shame and a waste of my morning L) and ate a piece of this special Swedish bread I bought in Sweden. My mum put a bit in the freezer so I could enjoy it longer, hahah. The rest of the day is going rather slowly and I’m pretty bored as well, but somehow today is a special day! You wanna know why…? You wanna know why I was looking forward to today? Well, I’m about to fangirl now, so excuse me if I might sound like a 13-year old, but I actually just don’t care.

 So, as some of you might know I’m pretty much into Tokio Hotel (yeah, wow, I think that’s the first time I literally mention this here). To be honest, I really love them, hahah. I adore Bill Kaulitz and he happens to be special guest at tonight’s episode of Germany’s Next Top Model! I seriously can’t wait to watch the show but I still have 3hours to go... Luckily I’m able to watch it. I only have 3 German channels on TV, one of them is ProSieben. How you call that, huh? Pure luck ;) Some say he looks completely different and that he changed a lot, but bitch please, don’t we all change? It would be rather embarrassing if we’d still look the same as we did 5 years ago, ne? After all, people are never satisfied when it comes down to Bill Kaulitz. In the past he was a GIRL and now that he grew himself a beard the people still complain. Grow the fuck up people, Bill is still Bill, and all of us change as years pass by (fashion does too, right?) Hahah

Nah, he’s just gorgeous, face it.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. honestly, i dont like this jacket... too bright!
    but i really love the way Bill looks with beard, he is sooo beautiful, just cant stop looking at him)))
