Good ‘morning’!
I had a long night so I woke up not so long ago and I got surprised by my mum who made a bowl of fresh strawberries with sugar for breakfast. (And as you can see, she used a very original bowl, hahah.)Today is my sister’s birthday so I think we’ll have a small party tonight, just the four of us; mum, dad, my sis and I. Though I’d like to go outside for once.. I wanna go to the city and drink something, or do some shopping… I’m tired of spending all my time inside, mh, but it’s raining and there’s no way I’ll go outside now. Most of all I’d love to go to Germany, to Düsseldorf, but I guess that’s impossible…
Some days ago I ordered very special shoes and I’m counting the days until they arrive. This morning, the mailman rang the door, what means he had to deliver a package, and my heart skipped a beat! But then my dad came inside with just a very small box and dkjfshldfjhsl L hahah, I told you once and I’m telling you again; I’m fucking obsessed with shoes!
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