dinsdag 3 april 2012

Andrej Pejic, Nathan Paul swimwear SS12-13.

And once again I found an AMAZING shoot with Andrej Pejic. This blog starts to look like an Andrej Pejic-blog, lol, but that’s not what this is about! It’s not my fault that he’s such a gorgeous model ;) Just take a look at him…

This time he’s starring Nathan Paul swimwear SS12-13. I love the sexual tension he provokes with his wanting-to-be-innocent appearance, and the way he, once again, plays with his androgyny. Some people call this shoot a “deviation from his earlier attitude of remaining modest and true to his roots.” They claim that his comments like “I make art, not porn” seem to get lost here, and though this shoot is just slightly suggestive, the point that it makes is much stronger than the gesture.

Personally I just love it. ;p

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