zaterdag 31 maart 2012

Sweet dreams, Sweden.

We arrived home from the concert now, and just like expected it was GREAT. It was even greater than it was last night. Fucking crazy shit, I swear. Seriously, Eric Saade is probably the best dancer I’ve ever seen live. You have to be a true star if you want to put down a show like THAT while you’re singing at the same time. Damn, boy. ;)

Right now, we’re on the bed just chilling a little bit and enjoying our last night in Sweden J Tomorrow we’ll go back home, back to Belgium! I’ve to admit I miss it, who guessed I’d ever say this? Haha.
Now we’re off for a midnight walk with Happy and after we’ll probably go to bed, preparing ourselves for a long uncomfortable trip back home tomorrow night! I'll upload more pictures of the concerts in some days :)

Sweet dreams!

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