woensdag 28 maart 2012

& off we go!


I’m finally all packed and ready to go. I’ve to admit, I’m getting pretty nervous about the long trip which is lying ahead of us.. I’m all prepared, with a lot of food and candy, all batteries charged and the complete 5th season of Queer as Folk for when I start to get bored. (might get pretty embarrassing when I watch this one on the bus, ahah.) So, I’m ready baby!
Anyways, it was pretty weird to pack all my winter clothes now that I finally pushed them deep into my closet. The weather is SO amazing in Belgium, it’s actually HOT, and now we’re heading for Sweden where it’s snowing and barely 7 degrees or whatever xD

We’re going to have a great time, though, and I can’t wait to arrive there! I’m wondering how Kim’s doing by now. I guess she’s a nervous wreck each time she remembers about her meet and greet with Eric, hahah.
I’m not sure when I’ll be able to write something, but I’m gonna keep you updated about everything ;) well, that is if we survive the 14 hours..


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